28. Sep 2022

Energy optimization of extraction table type UFPR

In times with extreme energy prices, we are pleased to inform you about the latest product update of our extraction tables with integrated fans type UFPR.

Here we have worked on optimizing the fan part to ensure that the fan does not run with overcurrent even with minimal resistance, which required a new fan wheel construction that at the same time is optimized compared to power consumption. Herewith those table sizes can that previously demanded 2.2kW-motors, now operate with 1.5.kW-motors without compromises in relation to air volume and pressure.

At the same time, we have optimized the belonging outlet silencers, so these have now integrated regulation dampers, with which, when used for recirculation, the correct air volume can be easily regulated and thus also sufficient resistance, so the motor does not run in overcurrent. Where a robust decentralized solution with integrated filter, fan and height-adjustable legs is required, then a UFPR-table is the right choise.

See more info in our data sheet:

See data sheet UFPR here!

New models of jet filter type QFG

In connection with filtration tasks, where abrasive materials are extracted, like e.i. from sand blasting, shot blasting etc., unintentional wear can occur at long operating cycles on cyclones and cyclone filter units, since the combination of material weight and rotation speed in the unit can cause abrasive particles to be kept in rotation unnecessarily and thus wear out the cyclone.

Above unit wear can be avoided by immediately reducing air speed in filter unit inlet as well as a filter cabinet, where rotation does not occur.

For such tasks, we have designed the QFG-series that by the latest price list we introduced 3 smaller models with 104, 156 and 208m²-filter area respectively, where now smaller shot blasting units can be supplied with a correctly dimensioned unit.

Furthermore we can inform you that after commissioning the new laser cutter in our production we have taken over cutting jobs that subcontractors did for us before for QFG-units. This has resulted in savings, so that all QFG and QFG-A units have been exempted from price increases.

See more info in our data sheet:

See data sheet QFG here!

See data sheet QFG-A here!

Discontinued hose at gift price

We have a remaining stock of our S1-hose, which previously was used on our extraction arms, but which has now been replaced by the hose type S10.

Since we no longer use the S1-hose in our products, we want to sell the remaining stock at a favorable price - see below:

Item no.DiameterMinum lengthPrice EUR*Inventory
08 803 000ø102mm100m67,001350m
08 804 000ø127mm100m81,001347m
08 806 000ø203mm10m14,00290m
08 807 000ø254mm10m17,0020m

*Excl. VAT

NOTE: Prices are only valid at the stated minimum lengths!

Please, contact the sales department on telephone +45 74 52 30 75 or by mail to Sales@GramCleanAir.com, if you are interested!