Informationsmøde recirkulation 1200x897.png
28. Aug 2023

Information meeting on recirculation allowed in Denmark

On Wednesday 30 August, we will hold an information meeting on Recirculation allowed in Denmark.
On Saturday 1 July 2023, recirculation of filtered process air became legal in Denmark - with a few exceptions and special requirements. And due to the high demand from customers and stakeholders who could not attend the first meeting, we are now holding another on 30 August at 13.00 - 14.00 at Lysbjergvej 10, Hammelev, 6500 Vojens.

The meeting will include practical examples of interpretations from authorities and upcoming initiatives for future guidelines. This will provide you with tangible material to ensure your competitiveness in the tendering phase.

We will of course offer refreshments, and should you wish to visit our factory, there will be an opportunity for a tour after the meeting.

Send an email to to register for the meeting - preferably as soon as possible if you want to make sure you're up to date!