28. Jun 2023

Recirculation is allowed in Denmark!

From Saturday, July 1st 2023, recirculation of filtered air is allowed in Denmark - however with a few exceptions and speciel demands.

Gram Clean Air A/S invites on Wednesday, July 5th 2023, to a meeting to inform and advice our customers about the new situation, so they can stay competitive in the offer phase.

New Quicklock-dust container locking system

Valid for all ACF- og QFG-units ordered after June 1st 2023, we have updated the locking system to Quicklock V23 that ensures a 100% vertical lift, with which the dust container is lifted against sealing without requiring resistance for correct placement.

Quicklock V23 will in future be integrated into several of our filter solutions, which we will of course inform about, when it becomes relevant.

Product news: Extraction table for heavier work pieces

We are often faced with tasks with rather heavy work pieces, where work on extraction tables is requested. This may be in connection with cleaning work pieces, gluing work pieces or grinding or polishing tasks.

In this connection, we now offer at reinforced version of our extraction table type UBP that can carry up to 500kg/m.

Herewith we habe achieved a table that besides a large load capacity also can be adjusted to the ergonomic correct height and can be accessed from both sides. Extraction table type UBP is available with the measurements 1000/1500/2000/2500 x1000mm.

Illustrations below: Extraction table type UBP reinforced to 500kg/m

Summer 2023

The production at Gram Clean Air A/S is closed in the weeks 29, 30 and 31, where our employees enjoy a well-deserved summer holiday.

The office and the sales department will be open for advice and ordering. The shipment of goods in stock will be possible in the weeks 29 and 31.