Smart Power Socket SPKU

Smart Power socket can control start/stop of fans and motor damper in connection with process extraction.

Smart Power socket has built-in automatic start/stop function of e.g. fans and motor dampers for process extraction. The socket kan be connected directly to welder by CE-plug.

Product Features
  • Dependable component for start/stop-control
  • Equipped with touch-folie and diode on front
  • After-run time: adjustable between 1 sec and 4 minutes
  • Socket available in 16, 32 and 64 ampere
  • 16 ampere power socket is available with 230V-plug
Further data

Smart Power socket is used for supply welders and the like with power.

When the welder is used, the Smart Power socket sensors the increased current flow.

This means that a signal is sent to the fans or damper motors for process extraction.

The welder is connected directly on the CE-plug.

Available in 4 sizes:

  • 16 ampere with built-in transformer
  • 16 ampere with built-in transformer and 230V-socket
  • 32 ampere with built-in transformer
  • 63 ampere with built-in transformer

The socket is equipped with touch-folie and diode on the front.

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