Spring balancers GTA

GTA balancers are used for the suspension of e.g. tools, so it becomes weightless. thus relieving the user, tools get less damaged and the floor is kept free.

The tool suspension in spring balancers GTA increases the efficiency and prevents back injuries as a result of repetitive lifting. Equipped with locking device (type GTA-K) any required position can locked.

Product Features
  • Gram spring balancers prevents back injuries as a result of repetitive lifting
  • Spring balancers type GTA can be used for many purposes
  • With locking device the requipred tool position can be locked
  • For the suspension of tools that are often used
  • Perfect for the susupension together with VA-arm and hose
  • Standard lengths from 1.6m to 8m
  • Capacity up to 20kg
Product Highlights
Hose on VA-arm mounted with spring balancer
Spring balancer used together with exhaust channel
Exhaust channel
Locking device can fix the required position
Locking device
Example of tool suspended firmly in spring balancer
Further data
  • Gram spring balancers type GTA provide a free floor, prevent accidents, reduce back injuries and makes cleaning easy.
  • Capacity up to 20kg
  • Standard cable length: 1.6, 2.0, 2.5, 4.5 or 8 metres
  • Adjustment of the right weight and lift height is possible with a special spanner
  • Gram spring balancer type GTA is available in 15 different type regarding cable length and weight area.

See brochure page