Oil mist separator OUF

Oil mist separator OUF is used for the separation of oil mist from processing machines, where cooling lubricants are used. Can be placed on the wall with 2 bolts.

Is mounted directly at the individual machine so that the oil mist does not reach the piping system. Then a multi-step oil mist filter ist used, e.g. OUK, so emission demands for oil mist are met.

Product Features
  • By removing the oil mists you avoid drip from piping
  • By removing oil mist you avoid slippery floors
  • Hazardous effects on breathing and skin are reduced
  • Less cleaning costs
  • Energy consumption is reduced
  • Separated oil can be recycled
Further data
  • Oil mist separator OUF is available in 5 sizes with connection from ø80 – ø200mm.
  • Air volume up to 2,000m³/h
  • Vacuum up tol 2,000Pa
  • Filtration efficiency normally up to 85%.
  • The decentral oil mist separator OUF is easily mounted on the wall and connected to piping.
  • Separated oil can either be led back to the machine or drained by drain cock in the bottom.
  • The filter can be washed or replaced.

Advantages by removing the oil mist directly at the machine:

  • The hazardous effects on breathing and skin are reduced
  • Less risk of slippery floors (drip from piping) and consequential accidents
  • Fire risk as well as the risk of oil mist aerosols damaging electronics in the machines are minimized
  • Cleaning and maintenance costs are reduced, since oil deposits in piping and on surfaces are avoided
  • Energy consumption is reduced (reduced air speed in ventilation channels, when there are no heavy oil particles that must be kept airborn, no oil mist deposits on light sources)

Filter cabinet is made in 1.5mm black steel and subsequently powder enamelled.

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